Welcome to LS102: Policing and Society. We will be using this blog throughout the semester as a way to share ideas and build on the concepts we discuss in class. I will require that each student make one substantial blog post over the course of the semester. You will make these posts according to a schedule that I will hand out during section. These blog posts should be no more than 500 words, and they can be substantially shorter. To see examples of previous blog posts, please see the blog from last semester. I strongly advise that you use your blog post to comment on the class material, or ideally connect the class material to a current event. The blog from last semester has many terrific examples.
In addition to this one time blog post, you will need to regularly comment on other students blog posts. I will require that you make at least ten comments on other students blogs over the course of the semester. These comments do not need to be long--a couple sentences is typically sufficient. Your comments should connect the blog post to other relevant material, respond to the student's claims, or somehow add to the discussion. I expect you to be civil and courteous in your responses.
We will discuss this assignment more in class. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at stephen.rushin@berkeley.edu.
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